The Million Dollar Miner (MDM) is a fee-based engagement that looks at a client’s projected outcome based on the course they’re on now, and compares it to the planning they could be on. We call the difference between the two outcomes our client’s L-FOB – the Lifetime Financial Outcome Benefit – the extra wealth that could be theirs if captured.

L-FOBs can range from zero – to ‘sky’s-the-limit.’ But it quite often exceeds $1,000,000. Whether it’s $200,000 – or $2,000,000 – it’s life-changing money that’s there for the taking once identified.

We don't have a set fee. Our clients set the fee by telling us what $1,000,000 or more of new lifetime wealth would be worth to them.

We do it that way for two important reasons. First, we want committed partners in our quest to discover and capture new wealth.  

Second, it ensures that price will never keep us from working together.  

We want to help all who want it - and have found that an open-ended pricing policy helps us do just that.

How about a 100% no B.S. money-back guarantee! 

Quite simply, if your L-FOB is not $1,000,000 based on your assessment of our work, we’ll refund your MDM engagement fee on the spot, cheerfully, and without question. 

YOU alone decide whether we’ve earned our fee.

Pretty simple. There are three steps.

  • In the Preparation for Discovery, you’ll complete homework designed to inventory your financial assets, aspirations, and beliefs prior to our first face-to-face meeting.
  • The Discovery meeting is an in-depth 2-hour sit-down between you and our team. It details the process, lays out the ground rules, agrees on a set of assumptions that will be used in the calculations, and helps us learn more about you and your dreams, fears, and aspirations your plan is truly YOUR PLAN, not ours.
  • The L-FOB Meeting will reveal and explain your L-FOB (Lifetime Financial Outcome Benefit). If you don’t find your L-FOB credible, or if it does not exceed $1,000,000, or if you don’t think it’s worth capturing and making yours – we’ll issue your refund on the spot. If it is, we’ll begin to plan ‘next steps’ to make your L-FOB your reality.

You’ll know your L-FOB is real because we abide by four strict rules when building your optimized plan and calculating your L-FOB.

  1. We will not use an inflated rate of return. Whatever rate of growth we agree during the discovery meeting will be used to project both your current plan – and your L-FOB optimized plan.
  2. We will not ask you to save more money or reduce your current lifestyle. You may decide later in the process that you want to save more – but to keep the L-FOB strictly apples-to-apples – we won’t incorporate increased savings into the math.
  3. We will not ask you to take on more investing risk. In fact, it’s almost 100% certain that we’ll reduce your investment, longevity, and liquidity risk – significantly.
  4. We will not use strategies, products, or plans you will not consider. We’ll discuss each during the discovery meeting, and if you say ‘no’ – those won’t be included in the calculation of your L-FOB.

No – although if we find the money, we hope you will, but that's not our expectation. The MDM process identifies and quantifies financial inefficiencies that are yours for the taking. But you don’t want us to help you capture them, it’s your call.

Financial inefficiencies generally fit into three categories.

There is money that you will transfer from your possession to the possession of others unknowingly and unnecessarily. Examples include taxes, market losses, investing fees and commissions, and bank interest.

Another broad category is inefficient growth on your savings. By restricting investments to traditional market-base securities (the kind advisors get paid for), many clients find they’re missing out on opportunities to increase both growth potential and safety of their principal.

The third general category deals with retirement distributions – the amount of your money you can actually spend in retirement without increasing the risk of running out of money.

Transfer payments, missed growth opportunities, and retirement income sub-optimization usually make of 70% - 100% of a client’s L-FOB.

Just as we are bound by four rules, you are too:

  1. You must complete your pre-meeting homework accurately and completely
  2. You (and your spouse/partner) must attend both the Discovery Meeting and the L-FOB Meeting, and agree that you will cancel/reschedule only in the event of an unavoidable circumstance.
  3. You must fully engage in the process not as a spectator, but as an active participant - with genuine curiosity, honesty, transparency, and open-mindedness.
  4. At the conclusion of the L-FOB meeting, you must tell us 1) if we have earned our fee and 2) if you want to move forward in the planning process bring your L-FOB to reality, and 3) when you want to get started.

No. The MDM process is about ‘squeezing all the juice’ out of what you have and what you are saving. Clearly the more you have (and/or the more you’re saving) the greater your potential L-FOB number.

But an L-FOB of $200,000 for someone who doesn’t have a lot – or is just getting their financial life started, is just as life-changing as an L-FOB of $2,000,000 for someone a bit older or who has accumulated more financial resources. And that’s what the MDM process is about - changing financial lives.

Everybody has a financial advisor. You’re either your own financial advisor, or others advise you. If you’re happy with your financial advisor – we encourage you to stay with your advisor.

The MDM process is a ‘second opinion’ of sorts. A low – or zero L-FOB confirms you’re on a great path where you are now. 

A 6 or 7-figure L-FOB suggests that reimagined planning could yield a different, and better outcome.

The real question is this: Do you have enough confidence in your current advisor to get a risk-free second opinion?

So the MDM process will either affirm your current advisor, or put a dollar value on inefficiencies that are yours for the taking by optimizing your overall financial plan. Either way, you are under no obligation to switch advisors.

Yes. Your L-FOB report will show you exactly where each penny comes from and how we arrived at the number. If you want to take your report and have it implemented elsewhere - it is yours to do with what you please.


Still A Bit Unsure?

Let us know what you're thinking, what questions you have, or what you're struggling with. We'll be in touch to be sure you are able to make a fully informed decision about us.